Download FREE whitepaper on Outlook 2021
Download FREE whitepaper on the outlook on 2021. What is your experience so far with half 2021 behind us?
Upply wrote a whitepaper on the outlook for European road transportation in 2021 in January 2021. As we are now half way 2021, what became true of the outlook sofar and what are we in for in the second half of 2021?
The Covid-19 pandemic will continue to mark road freight transportation in the year 2021. While energy transition and
digitalization are major issues, many carriers will have to focus
primarily on their short-term survival, as the sector has suffered in 2020. Did you suffer or florish?
2021 will be full of expectations. First of all, we expect a rebound in
transportation demand. We are also waiting for confirmation of the
convictions that were arrived at in 2020: the sector’s economy must
really green itself and plunge into digitalization, which has already
developed strongly with the pandemic. However, the crisis is bleeding many carriers dry and they will not survive through to the
end of the year. The IRU fears “a wave of bankrupcies”. The
management of the coronavirus crisis will therefore continue to
have a strong impact on European road transportation in 2021.
Looking forward to hear your opinion on this topic. Share your experiences in 2021 on Brexit, COVID and other topics to date and let’s discuss if WSD Capacity can support you on the next half of the year on transport, logistics, dispatch or drivers.