Job Description

WSD Capacity hires professional drivers for external routes. We offer interesting jobs for drivers because you will have the opportunity to drive on many different kind of trucks. Therefore we look for drivers with experience in driving with tarpaulin, on cistern and silo (bulk), containers, platforms, trailers, or refrigerated containers. Another advantages for drivers when working for WSD Capacity is that the individual work contract is registered in Romania, in accordance with the laws of our country, for an indeterminate period of time.

As agreed in the EU Mobility Packages, the work is carried out during the course of 6 weeks. You will drive in Western-Europe. Countries you drive in are for example the Netherlands, Poland, Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Belgium. After a period of 4 weeks the employee will return home where they will be on holiday or take days off aside from the working period. Another advantage for the drivers is that the trucks on which our drivers work are modern Volvo, DAF, Iveco, MAN, Euro5, and Euro6 engines for an increased level of comfort while driving. These trucks are equipped with comfortable beds, refrigerators, adapter plugs, communication and navigation system, phone, and other facilities because we value the working experience of our drivers.


Economic benefits

Pachet asigurare, Uniqua Asigurari prin Raiffeisen BankAs a result of our successful collaboration with Raiffeisen Bank, a package with numerous advantages was proposed to WSD CAPACITY SRL employees, following the opening of their accounts with the bank, advantages that you could not have benefited from… Continue reading Economic benefits

Medical subscriptions for the whole family

Abonament CLASSIC LIGHT – MedLife Serviciile de medicina muncii descrise în cadrul abonamentului Standard. Medicina Generală: abonatul are acces nelimitat la medicul de Medicina Generală, în scopul prevenirii şi diagnosticării eventualelor probleme de sănătate. Consultaţii de specialitate: abonatul are acces gratuit, direct la 5 consultaţii de specialitate din… Continue reading Medical subscriptions for the whole family

External Travel Expenses are Borne by WSD

Travel expenses provided by WSD. Transport to the location at which the service is provided, respectively Germany, will be handled by our company. This will be accomplished via bus or plane, on a case-by-case basis. Departures will take place every 2 weeks, usually on Thursday.

Performance bonuses

Performance bonuses. Each month, funds will be allocated for the rewarding of driver performance. These will consist of bonuses, in euro, depending on each employee’s experience, courtesy in dealing with collaborators, professionalism in the handling of their responsibilities.

Receiving Equipment on Departure

Receiving equipment upon departure. Equipment will be offered by our company and will consist of boots, in accordance with each wearer’s shoe size, protective goggles, protective gloves, work helmet.

Receiving the advance on departure

Receiving advances upon departure. Employees can request an advance in euro, which will be deducted at a later time from their salary for the corresponding month.

If you are interested to improve your salary and benefits